“Yoga is not about touching your toes. It’s about what you learn on the way down”

— Judith Hanson


    Practice on your own schedule.
    Enjoy exclusive access to a vast collection of classes and programs. These classes are designed with the equestrian in mind.


    Whether you're new to yoga or an equestrian looking to learn how you can apply yoga in the saddle, choose a program that suits your needs.

What are some of the benefits of yoga for riders?

  • Body awareness

    Yoga helps you become aware of what muscles you are engaging and releasing which in turn helps you become more aware of this in the tack.

  • Breathing

    There are several types of breathing techniques that you can integrate in the saddle. These can help you stay calm as well as release tension in both you and your horse’s body.

  • Core strength

    As equestrians we need a lot of core strength when we ride. Yoga strengthens the seven major muscle groups and can balance out asymmetries.

  • Flexibility

    Increasing your flexility with help you feel more comfortable in the saddle and allow you to position your body more easily. Yoga also increases your mobility which allow you to ride longer in life and reduce your risk of injury.

  • Mental focus

    Yoga helps develop our mind body connection. A calm mind allows you to be more present and focused.

  • General wellbeing

    A regular yoga practice has benefits beyond the mat. It can help with improving your sleep, reducing stress, becoming more mindful, and many other health benefits.

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